CEU Summary

Architecting Change: Design Strategies for a Healthy, Resilient, Climate Smart Future

Architecting Change: Design Strategies for a Healthy, Resilient, Climate Smart Future

Over the past decade, the architectural, construction and engineering (AEC) sector has grappled with unprecedented technological and socioeconomic changes along with an unprecedented confluence of challenges to the health of our communities, our cities and our planet. While these challenges are daunting, industry thought leaders increasingly see it as an opportunity to be at the forefront of change, with examples of design leadership across the country and around the world.

This course examines four design approaches emerging in response to these challenges and opportunities: Incorporating Greenspace; Community Building + Placemaking; Lowering Building Carbon Footprints; and Designing for Density and Affordability. In this course you’ll learn from design teams who are embracing these strategies and delivering solutions that begin to address some of the most urgent global issues of our times.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  1. Understand and describe current and emerging social, economic and technological trends impacting the built environment, urbanism and the business of architecture.
  2. Explain how community-centered participatory design and the strategic use of green spaces in urban environments can benefit the health of individuals, communities and cities.
  3. Understand the built environment’s significant contribution to carbon emissions, and learn how designers are using lifecycle analysis to measure a building material’s impact on the carbon footprint of a project.
  4. Identify key factors contributing to the cost of mixed-use and multi-family developments, along with planning and design strategies that can help make these projects more affordable.
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