CEU Summary

The Impact of Wood Use on North American Forests

The Impact of Wood Use on North American Forests

As green building has evolved beyond its initial emphasis on energy efficiency, greater attention has been given to the choice of structural materials and the degree to which they influence a building’s environmental footprint. Increasingly, wood from sustainably managed forests is viewed as a responsible choice. This course will demonstrate how specifying wood can contribute to forest sustainability.

Learning Objectives

  1. Evaluate the use of wood as a construction material in the context of long-term forest sustainability as well as attributes such as low embodied energy and light carbon footprint.
  2. Discuss forest sustainability measures such as biodiversity, soil and water quality, and harvest vs. net growth.
  3. Examine the concept that using wood in buildings provides an incentive to landowners to keep forested lands forested instead of converting them to uses such as urban development.
  4. Compare the carbon benefits of an unmanaged forest vs. a managed forest where timber is used for wood buildings

Pile of logs in sustainable forest
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